Tuesday, September 28, 2010

As I awakened this morning I saw a darkened door. The door called out to me. "Should I enter?" I questioned myself as a strange voice called to me .

"Enter into this door and all that you desire shall be yours" a sinister voice whispered out to me!

My head filled with vision of many desires. There were new cars and new homes and tropical islands filled with beautiful women.

As i began to walk towards the door I herd a calm, soothing voice speak out to me from behind.

"Do not be decieved my son" the voice said to me, "for it is the evil one who makes these empty promises to you, but it is I, your God, who have already delivered to to you many riches and eternal life".

"Look around at the beauty I have placed before you. The friends and family who love you despite your many flaws. Even those who it seems have forgotten you and turned their backs towards you, they have not forsaken you. It is a trick of the devil that makes you believe these things".

I knew now that I had to make a decision that would affect the rest of my life. Riches or love? What would I choose?

I look towards the darkened door and see all the wordly possesssions that a man could possibly want. I step closer to the darkened door before looking back over my shoulder at the brightly lit doorway behind me.

I see my friends and family looking on, some with tear filled eyes and yet others who seemed to be willing me toward the darkened door. I look back and forth at each door before finally making a decision.

I turn my back to the light filled door and my family and friends and begin to walk towards the darkened door. I hear some cheering behind me but also the crying of those who love me.

Having made my decision I reach the darkened doorway, where I step inside. I grab the handle of the door and look down a darkened set of stairs. It is now that I shout at the top of my voice "Satan, you can go to hell", as I step back and slam the door with all my might.

I begin to walk back towards the light filled door. I see friends who once had tears now smiling. I also strangely notice that some people are missing, obviously disappointed in my decision.

Once I step through the door I realize that i have made the right decision. The smiles on the faces of my family and friends are more valuable to me than anything that I saw through the darkened door.

Once inside I immediately drop to my knees and begin to cry out to my friends and family as well as the God who has stood beside me through it all for forgiveness. I can only hope that the bridges I burned can be repaired. I know that this will involve much work, but to win back the love of my family and friends I will do whatever work I must. I know that God will not forsake me and will lead me in my search for redemption.

It is time for the healing to begin. A hand reaches down and helps me to my feet as I look into the faces of those I've hurt. I begin to speak to those who have mattered most in my life. I tell them that I am forever sorry and can only hope they can find forgiveness in their hearts towards me.

At this a new day dawns, a day forever filled with light and love!

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